Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Lyrics Snippet #18

Today in my car I had my music collection on random and a song by 'Ton, Steine, Scherben' came up - a somewhat radical left wing band from the 70s and early 80s that I used to listen to every now and then when I was back in school. So, I just wanted to share part of that song with you....and I am sorry that you will have to cope with my crappy English translation if you don't understand German.

Ich hab geträumt der Winter wär vorbei
Du warst hier und wir warn frei
Und die Morgensonne schien
Es gab keine Angst und nichts zu verliern
Es war Friede bei den Menschen und unter den Tieren
Das war das Paradies

I dreamed the winter was over
You were here and we were free
And the morning sun shone
There was no fear and nothing to lose
There was peace among the people and the animals
This was paradise

~ "Der Traum ist aus" - Ton, Steine, Scherben ~

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